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Better Education for a better world
Welcome to the faculty of Economics and International Trade. I'm honored to share with you the factors that contribute to our faculty's outstanding reputation and provide unrivaled business education. Our academic members encourage our students' critical thinking and significant insights via their research methodologies. In addition, we're forming collaborations with other higher education institutions and the industrial world at large to expand our educational vision. Our programs help students build marketable skills based on a strong awareness of and engagement in the business marketplace around them. Our programs provide several entrepreneurial opportunities, which helps our students distinguish our institution via their successful business initiatives and participation in business contests. Most significantly, the dedication of our faculty community creates a significant impact on everyone, turning our academic life into years of learning, discoveries, and social interaction to produce a community with unique graduates and leave our mark on the world. Our Faculty of Economics and International Trade vision is to maximize both the private and social benefits and returns of the educational process, increase the positive spillovers in the labor market, and occupy an advanced position regarding the quality of the provided educational services. Our Faculty of Economics and International Trade mission revolves around maximizing the added value of the educational process. We provide our students with a blend of academic and professional skills that enable them to be entrepreneurs, competitive in the labor market, meet different demands, and deal with the continuous development in business and economics.
Academic Programs